Collection: Sky
This collection started with the idea of painting clouds. I've always looked up at the sky with awe and fascination.
There are as many ways to represent clouds as much type of clouds in the sky probably. And the colours... The colours that the sky and the clouds make dance throughout the day, the seasons, look like a constant magic show. One to which the spectators don't give due attention.
In the process I understood that clouds and sky don't fascinate me just for this, but also for their effect on me.
Have you ever stopped to become aware of what you feel and think when you look up?
For me, it is a way to gain perspective, to slow down time, to calm anxiety, and make sure everything is still fine, is still there, real, even when I crumble. It's a safety measure. If the sky keeps putting on a show, then I'm still alive and able to be happy, grow, be a do better. If the sky, in all its magnificence, with its important job, keeps circulating a variety of clouds, water and light to make all the colours dance, then I too should do it with my life.
The sky may even be gray and in profound blue tones some days, but not even for that seizes to be beautiful . In the "ugliest" days, the sky keeps dazzling. It reminds us the world is beautiful, that there is still a lot to be seen, heard and done. It reminds us that the mistakes of the past (and, after made, all mistakes belong in the past) don't invalidate an extraordinary future. It reminds us that while we still have time, and we never know how much we have, we can choose a number of different paths. We are not faded to y or x.
We must feel every phase with the same intensity that the sky feels the seasons and the days pass. And let it go. We won't be just of one shape or colour constantly. And that's good. It means we're moving, expanding in every moment, even when we feel lost and stalled. As time passes by, clouds come and go, colours change. Even dreams change, but they're still there. In the sky. Dreams may seem too far away, but the sky reminds us that movement, action, allows everything.
Unless we don't look at the sky.
So, in case you haven't seen it lately, I'm creating this collection, that started in clouds and evolved to all that the sky, the stars and the universe make me feel, to share it with you. To get out of everyday life, gain perspective, get out of the ordinary, the expected, the socially accepted. To dream and help you dream. And to inspire you to follow those dreams.
Look up at the sky, dream big and set out to conquest.